» How to get Biopsy Kit from us?
» How to start sending biopsies to Dr. Khopkar?
» How to send slides or blocks to Dr. Khopkar for a report?
» Has my biopsy sample reached?
» Has my biopsy report been dispatched?
» I want to know the biopsy report by email?
» How to send photos of your patients for clinicopathologic correlation?
» Want to send your patient to Dr. Khopkar for clinicopathologic correlation?
» Want to trace status of your biopsy sample?
» Need a duplicate report of your patient?
» Want to request pick up of your biopsy sample?
» Need the biopsy block of your patient?
» Need biopsy slide of your patient?

How to get Biopsy kit from us?

Our Biopsy Kit consist of Biopsy punch, Self addressed waterproof envelop, referral slip & leak proof formalin bulb.
For punch biopsy you can order 5 kits at a time. To order the kit make online payment.

How to start sending biopsies to Dr. Khopkar?

If you wish to send biopsies for regular diagnostic purpose there is no need to contact him or his office by phone. Please put the biopsy in a leak proof container, preferably plastic, with adequate formalin inside (approximately 20 times the volume of the biopsy). The formalin used should be buffered. In case it is not urgent to start sending the biopsies, please email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com to request pre-packed leak proof, formalin bulbs with reference slips and ready to mail torn-proof envelopes for safe transit of biopsy specimens. This kit comes with a complementary biopsy punch that ensures uniform quality of biopsies. For more tips about improving results for your biopsies please click here
If you wish to use your own packing material and envelope, please make sure that the envelope is sufficiently strong all around including the edges, lest the biopsy may fall out. Please use a screw capped container and close the lid tightly to ensure that formalin does not leak out, otherwise the tissue won’t get fixed and will degenerate by the time it reaches us, affecting the final result. The lid may be taped and container may be cushioned to ensure safe passage.
Apart from the sample in a container, the envelope should also contain name and clinical details of the patient filled in the biopsy reference slip along with a draft of Rs. 1500/- per biopsy or block or slide in the name of “Dr. Uday Khopkar”. Please be sure to also include the name and address of the referring doctor for sending the report and mobile number or landline of the doctor for clinical discussion, if any. You can also deposit cash directly to our account and receipt of cash deposit can be sent along with the biopsy or you can transfer the money to the bank and send transfer details and transaction ID along with biopsy. Please do not send 2 biopsies in one vial. Put them in separate vials and pay separately. The bank details are as follows:

Dr, Uday Khopkar, State Bank of India, Worli sea Face Branch,
Account no.31032689571, IFSC Code: SBIN0008783
Mobile no. 7498645144 for sending payment (please do not call on this number) through paytm or Google pay or Phonepe UPI Id drkhopkar@kotak Transaction ID and screen shot of successful payment should be sent by whatsapp on 08433851365

The package should be sent to Dr. Uday Khopkar, B-16, Ground Floor, Karishma Building, Madhavdas Pasta Road, Off. Naigaum Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai 400014. If you are sending this for the first time, you may email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com after the mailing of the package to request confirmation about delivery. Alternatively, you may request proof of delivery slip from courier and when this comes to you, to call on 022-24116464, 022-24156463 or Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 12.30 am to 4.00 pm for confirming the status of the sample. However, such a call is not needed if you are sending the samples on a regular basis.

How to send slides or blocks to Dr. Khopkar for a report?

The charge for reporting on slides or blocks is Rs. 1500/- per biopsy or slide or block. We encourage you to send tissues to us because processing of small skin biopsy specimens require special attention amongst all the other larger general pathology specimens. We process only skin biopsies and our technician will take utmost care to get the best results out of your 3 or 4 mm specimen that shrinks even further when put it in formalin.
While sending slides, please use a plastic or cardboard slide mailer. Just giving cotton padding is not enough to protect a glass slide. If you do not have this, you may use a sturdy plastic box or strips of thermacol cut to size of the slide and held together with two rubber bands. Please do not send excision biopsies to us. We prefer punch or shave biopsies.

Has my biopsy sample reached?

Please send a blank email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com with subject line as “Sample query Patient name Doctor name Dispatch date”; e.g. “Sample query Rajesh Dr. Ketan Shah 23rd March” would be the subject line of a sample query of patient Rajesh that has been dispatched on 23rd of March by Dr. Ketan Shah. In case you do not receive any response in 48 hours, please call on 022-24116464, 022-24156463 or Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 11.30 am to 4.00 pm.

Has my biopsy report been dispatched?

Please send a blank email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com with subject line as “Report query Patient name Doctor name Dispatch date”; e.g. “Report query Rajesh Dr. Ketan Shah 23rd March” would be the subject line of a sample query of patient Rajesh that has been dispatched on 23rd of March by Dr. Ketan Shah. In case you do not receive any response in 48 hours, please call on 022-24116464, 022-24156463 or Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 11.30 am to 4.00 pm.

I want to know the biopsy report by email?

Please send a blank email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com with subject line as “Send email report Patient name Doctor name Dispatch date”; e.g. “Send email report Rajesh Ketan Shah 23rd March” would be the subject line of a sample query of patient Rajesh that has been dispatched on 23rd of March by Dr. Ketan Shah. In case you do not receive any response in 48 hours, please call on 022-24116464, 022-24156463 or Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 10.30 am to 3.30 pm.

How to send photos of your patients for clinicopathologic correlation?

You may send print photos with your patient’s biopsy for clinicopathologic correlation. You may also email them to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com quoting patient’s name and referring doctor’s name in the subject line of the email. Alternatively, when contacted by us, you may send them by email or hard copy but email is faster and less expensive. No additional fee is charged for clinicopathologic correlation on photos.

Want to send your patient to Dr. Khopkar for clinicopathologic correlation?

Occasionally it may happen that you are not happy with the diagnosis or differential diagnosis suggested in the report or on clinicopathologic correlation done on photos and you wish that the patient be seen by Dr. Khopkar. Such clinicopathologic correlation may be done at KEM hospital (no charge) or at the private clinics (consultation fees will be charged). While there is no appointment system at KEM Hospital, appointment can be taken on phone at the private clinics.

Want to trace status of your biopsy sample?

Please send a blank email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com with subject line as “Report query Patient name Doctor name Dispatch date”; e.g. “Report query Rajesh Ketan Shah 23rd March” would be the subject line of a sample query of patient Rajesh that has been dispatched on 23rd of March by Dr. Ketan Shah. In case you do not receive any response in 48 hours, please call on 022-24116464, 022-24156463 or Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 10.30 am to 3.30 pm.

Need a duplicate report of your patient?

Please send a blank email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com with subject line as “Duplicate report Patient name Doctor name approximate Dispatch date”; e.g. “Duplicate report Rajesh GK Shah March 2008” would be the subject line of a sample query of patient Rajesh that has been dispatched sometime in March 2008 by Dr. GK Shah. In case you do not receive any response in 48 hours, please call on 022-24116464, 022-24156463 or Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 10.30 am to 3.30 pm.

Want to request pick up of your biopsy sample?

Pick up facility for biopsy sample is available only within the Mumbai city for some of the areas. To check whether biopsies can be picked up from your clinic, please call on 022-24116464, 022-24156463 or Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp).

Need the biopsy block of your patient?

Currently we are dispatching the blocks of biopsies with the reports. If you need any of the old blocks, please send a blank email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com with subject line as “Need block Patient name Doctor name approximate Dispatch date”; e.g. “Need block Rajesh Dr. Ketan Shah 23rd March 2008” would be the subject line of a query for block of a patient Rajesh that has been dispatched on 23rd of March 2008 by Dr. Ketan Shah. In case you do not receive any response in 3 days, please call Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 11.30 am to 4.30 pm. Please note that blocks of all the old biopsies can’t be retained due to storage constraints. Hence, usually we store blocks of biopsies for only 2 years.

Need biopsy slide of your patient?

Currently biopsy slides are enclosed with all reports. The slides are Please send a blank email to drkhopkarsclinic@gmail.com with subject line as “Need slide Patient name Doctor name Dispatch date”; e.g. “Need slide Rajesh Dr. Ketan Shah 23rd March” would be the subject line of a sample query of patient Rajesh that has been dispatched on 23rd of March by Dr. Ketan Shah. In case you do not receive any response in 48 hours, please call Santosh on 9869352164, 08433851365 (whatsapp) preferably between 10.30 am to 3.30 pm.

Dermatopathology Services

» Make Payment Online For Services
» How to send biopsies or slides for opinion?
» Queries about samples and reports
» My archive of reports and clinical photos
» Has my biopsy report been dispatched?

Books By Dr. Khopkar

» Lichen Planus
» Handbook of Skin Diseases and STIs
» Synopsis of HIV infection in India
» Handbook of Dermatologic Drug Therapy
» Skin Biopsy
» Dermoscopy & Trichoscopy in diseases
of brown skin